I was inspired to do some research on what types of office plans were most popular among workers. So I dived in and started looking and stumbled across an interesting failure in this area. When a particular office plan was presented, it never included images of monitors. This seems a somewhat shocking error considering that the average office worker will spend a fair amount of their time in front of screen. Consider this as an example: https://officesnapshots.com/articles/the-top-25-most-popular-offices-of-2018/ . In all 25 examples, the initial shot is of a common space. I understand that a bit, it's easier to make these distinctive, the creativity of the designer is more unbounded. But lets be honest, while these areas are useful to collaborative working, without a large screen and space for a keyboard and mouse, the personal ergonomics of them are not adequate for a lot of work. Dig a little deeper and many of the deeper reviews...

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