Being involved in an activist group, being (I think) highly rational, and being somewhat resistant to becoming part of social collectives, messaging is something that comes up often. So reading On Left Straussianism from the Point did stoke up thoughts. I'll disagree with one part right off. This isn't all about elitism. Talking about messaging doesn't only have to involve elites. It's small group/large group, but it's not always about level of education, it's often about intensity of connection. When "messaging" in public, the bandwidth is limited, especially in terms of feedback loops. If someone misunderstands your message, it's hard to correct. Attention wavers, so key distinctions can be lost. And then there's the telephone game . Those dynamics are true no matter what level of education your public has. A second distinction, before you even start to talk about withholding or twisting the truth, we should think first a...

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